Research at UPVD
Research at the University of Perpignan Via Domitia addresses the general issue of adaptation within the context of global change with respect to sustainable development, renewable energies, the ecology of natural and man-made environments, territories and societies.
Cross-disciplinarity and participatory methodologies are an integral part of our research strategy, which strives for scientific excellence and which seeks to be open and collaborative with society.
UPVD's 16 Research Laboratories
The UPVD has significant multidisciplinary potential embodied by its sixteen laboratories (1 UPR, 10 UMR/UAR, 5 UR) conducting research in various disciplinary fields ranging from exact and experimental sciences to humanities and social sciences, as well as a research federation that promotes interdisciplinary dialogue.Exact and Experimental Sciences | |
CEFREM Centre of Education and Research on Mediterranean Environments UMR 5110 UPVD-CNRS (Convention OMP) CRIOBE Centre for Island Research and Environmental Observatory UAR 3278 UPVD-EPHE-PSL-CNRS ESPACE DEV Space Observation, Models & Actionable Science UMR 228 UPVD-IRD-UM-UAG-UR IHPE Interactions - Hosts -Pathogens - Environment UMR 5244 UPVD-CNRS-IFREMER-UM LAMPS Laboratory for Mathematics and Physics UR 4217 UPVD |
LBBM (BAE) Biosensors, Analyses, Environment UAR 3579 UPVD-UPMC-CNRS LGDP Laboratory for Plant Genomics and Development UMR 5096 UPVD-CNRS-IRD LIPSEM Interdisciplinary Laboratory for Health Performance in the Alpine Environment UR 4604 UPVD LIRMM (DALI) The Montpellier Laboratory for Computer Science, Robotics, and Microelectronics UMR 5506 UPVD-CNRS-UM PROMES Processes, Materials and Solar Energy UPR 8521 CNRS (Convention UPVD) |
Liberal Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | |
ART DEV Actors, Resources and Territories in Development UMR 5281 UPVD-CNRS-UPV-UM-CIRAD CRESEM Centre for Research on Mediterranean Societies and Environments UR 7397 UPVD |
GHS-FRAMESPA Social History Group - France Americas Spain Societies Powers Actors UPVD team - UMR 5136 University of Toulouse – Jean Jaurès - CNRS HNHP Natural History of Prehistoric Man UMR 7194 UPVD-CNRS-MNHN (Convention INRAP) |
Legal Sciences and Economics | |
CDED YS Yves Serra Centre for Law in Economics and Development UR 4216 UPVD |
MRM Montpellier Research in Management UR 4557 UPVD-UM |
FREE: UPVD's pluridisciplinary research federation
UPVD's 6 Research Focus Areas (Axes)
Research at the UPVD is divided into 6 thematic areas, or axes thématiques.
Pluridisciplinary Federation
Technology Platforms